Smart privacy manager for windows


We believe that privacy is not a lost cause. We also believe that privacy matters even when it is not absolute: It matters how many people collect how much data about us. Ordinary users, however, lack the expertise to take meaningful steps to limit data collection and psychological profiling. Our goal is to provide these users with a simple means to make such improvements to their systems without understanding the details. We want to create software that makes better privacy an option for average users without curtailing the functionality of their devices.


Many technologies to improve privacy are already out there, from anti-tracking measures to alternative networking technologies. We want to build a software that bundles these solutions and manages privacy settings on users' devices. In its basic form PrivaSeal is an app for Windows to be installed and forgotten. In its Alpha-Version it manages Windows Privacy settings, settings of Chrome and Firefox, and anti-tracking add-ons. Plans are to include network settings, settings of common applications and social media profiles, as well as port the software to MacOS. In addition, PrivaSeal will also have an educational function, suggesting more invasive protections to those who want to learn and take control. As an additional incentive, it keeps a "PrivacyScore" about each step taken by the user.